We’ve all heard the phrase, “you’re only as old as you feel.” Like most clichés, it contains a grain of truth. If we define aging as gaining momentum, rather than managing decline, it’s easy to see how seniors can have rich social, intellectual, and spiritual lives while remaining full of vim and vigor.
That’s why life at Cappella of Grand Junction is built around five pillars of successful aging: social connection, intellectual engagement, purposeful living, physical health, and spiritual growth.
Recent studies suggest that loneliness rivals smoking and obesity as a health risk. Human contact is healthy – and our communities foster it through volunteer opportunities, board game and karaoke nights, and cozy living rooms that invite a fireside chat.
Our minds are like our muscles; they benefit from a regular workout. From art and creative niches where you can work on your watercolors or writing skills, to language classes and handouts listing the latest crossword apps, our communities give you opportunities to engage your brain.
A successful community does more than encourage its members to socialize and collaborate. It also gives them space and time to be alone with their thoughts. Each of us enjoys being of service and sharing our unique gifts with others in our own way. Exercising their green thumb with an indoor garden or attending a place of worship are among the ways our residents find peace and harmony.
You’ll find state-of-the-art fitness centers at our communities, but engaging the body doesn’t have to mean hitting the treadmill. Playing with pets or children in a beautiful open space, or just taking a stroll on a paved path, can leave you feeling energized and refreshed.
Spiritual well-being involves nurturing our soul, spirit, and emotional health by connecting to our purpose, values, and beliefs.